Welcome to 5H

Welcome to 5H everyone! We hope you have all had a relaxing and peaceful holiday and enjoyed your precious family time! Your Teachers are: Mrs Kathy Holt Monday to Wednesday Mr Adrian Torrese Thursday and Friday Below are a few messages about key events and information that we would like to share with you before school commences. BELL TIMES Doors open: 8:30a.m. Class Commences: 8:40a.m. Please ensure that your child is at school by 8.40am. If your child arrives at school after 8.40am, parents are required to attend the office first with your child to sign in on the ipad and pick up a Late Pass to hand to the class teacher. Recess: 10:40a.m. - 11:00a.m. Lunch: 1:00p.m. - 1:40p.m. End of School Day: 3:00p.m. Le...