Welcome to 5H

  Welcome to 5H everyone! We hope you have all had a relaxing and peaceful holiday and enjoyed your precious family time! 
Your Teachers are:  Mrs Kathy Holt   Monday to Wednesday
                                   Mr Adrian Torrese Thursday and Friday
Below are a few messages about key events and information that we would like to share with you before school commences.
Doors open: 8:30a.m.
Class Commences: 8:40a.m.
Please ensure that your child is at school by 8.40am. If your child arrives at school after 8.40am, parents are required to attend the office first with your child to sign in on the ipad and pick up a Late Pass to hand to the class teacher. 
Recess: 10:40a.m. - 11:00a.m.
Lunch: 1:00p.m. - 1:40p.m.
End of School Day: 3:00p.m.
Leaving Early  The school policy requires you to attend the office first to sign your child out and collect a Parent Pass.  This pass is then handed to the classroom teacher so that your child can be released. 

Monday:  Summer Uniform (please see school website for guidelines)
Tuesday:  wear teal OLC sports shirt with Sport Uniform
                 Physical Education with Mrs Sinclair
                 Dance with Mrs Haines
Wednesday: Summer Uniform
                     H.A.S.S. with Mr Sherborne
Thursday: Summer uniform
                 Indonesian with Mrs Kartana
                 Library Book Swap (Your child will need a library bag on this day) 
Friday:    Class sport (wear coloured faction shirt) with Sport Uniform

Due to ongoing restrictions and general COVID19 awareness, you are welcome to walk your child to the door, where we will be waiting to greet you and your child on their first day.  If your child is feeling a little nervous, please reassure them that this is perfectly normal, and we will be there to help them.
Your child will be welcomed to enter the classroom from 8:30a.m. and we ask that they bring in their bags to unpack.  They will be prompted to follow the following list of instructions on the whiteboard:


Please stock your child’s pencil case with a lead pencil, one blue and red pen, highlighters, whiteboard marker, sharpener, eraser, ruler and scissors as these are the most used items. If you would like to include coloured pencils, textas and crayons in this you are welcome to. Alternatively, you can include an additional pencil case with these items. The students can get these from their drawers as needed.  Please ensure pencil cases are kept to a reasonable size as they can take up a lot of space on desks and trays.


Water bottles will be kept at the “hydration station” in the class, not on class desks due to our use of laptops.  The class will be encouraged to drink regularly and allowed access to their water bottles as they request. They are able to fill up their bottles at the water fountain, so only one water bottle is necessary. Water bottles will be sent home each day.  They should be washed and refilled ready for the next day.  Please put only water in the bottles.


Our class will practise the crunch and Sip initiative.  You are asked to send in a small snack of fruit or vegetables that your child will access midmorning to keep their energy level up. Please ensure all containers are labelled with your children’s names.


Homework will commence in week 2 and will be in the format of a Home Learning Grid.  We will discuss this in our Parent Information digital presentation.
Please ensure that all personal items (hats, drink bottles, lunch boxes, uniforms, crunch & sip containers, etc) belonging to your child are labelled to avoid losing items! 
Unfortunately, due to the COVID – 19 restrictions, we will not be gathering for our regular Parent Information Evenings in 2021.  Instead, we will send you a link to a digital presentation at the beginning of Week 2, outlining our general practice in Year 5.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us before then:                 kathleen.holt@cewa.edu.au


Please be aware that on busy days we may not get to check our emails until after school, so urgent matters/messages should go through the office. 

We are looking forward to meeting you on Monday morning and are excited for the year of learning ahead of us with your children!

 Kathy and Adrian


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