Welcome to 5H!

Welcome to 5H Everyone! 

Welcome to 5H everyone! 
We hope you have all had a relaxing and peaceful holiday and enjoyed your precious family time!

Below are a few messages about key events and information that we would like to share with you before our Parent Information Evening on Tuesday the 11th of February.

Monday: Music with Mrs Sherborne (Your child will need their music
                                                                            folder on this day)
Wednesday: H.A.S.S. with Mrs Meyer
              Physical Education with Mrs Sinclair (wear teal OLC sports shirt)
Thursday: Indonesian with Mrs Kartana
Friday: Class sport (wear coloured faction shirt)
             Library Book Swap (Your child will need a library bag on this day) 

There will be no homework in Week 1 and 2 as we will be discussing our new whole school format at the parent night.

On Friday, the 7th of February the whole school will be attending mass with Father Francis to welcome in the school year. As Mass is scheduled to begin close to 9.00am, we will be leaving the classroom at 8.40am, as soon as the morning bell sounds.
If you arrive after this time, you will need to drop your child off at the church. Please ensure your child has sunscreen on before they come to school, that would be greatly appreciated as we will be walking both to and from the church.  Parents are most welcome to attend the service

We have purchased some new novels for our class library, however it is still a little bare. If you have any books that are no longer being read and are collecting dust, we would greatly appreciate any donations. 

New Bell Times
Doors open: 8:30
Recess: 10:40am - 11:00am
Lunch: 1:00pm - 1:40pm
End of School Day: 3:00pm for everyone, including pick up lane & bus.

Gathering Time
Gathering time begins at 8:30am until 8:40am. Please ensure that your child is at school by 8.40am. If you arrive at school after 8.40am parents are required to attend the office first with your child to sign and pick up a Late Pass and then give this to the class teacher.

New Policy for Early Leaving
This is a new OLC policy regarding early leaving - If you wish to collect your child early from school, you are required to go to the office first, collect a Parent Pass and then hand this to the classroom teacher as you collect your child. 

We are excited for the year of learning ahead of us with your children!
Please email or see us if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, we will be more than happy to help.



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