Week 9 Important Reminders

Welcome to Week 9! We are almost at the end of a very interesting semester of learning and as Mr Lee pointed out to the class last week, they are nearly in Year 5 and a Half! Lots of learning and improvements have been made in the first half of the year and we are very proud of the efforts that are being put in by the students to make that happen! In this week’s blog we thought we would remind you of a few important dates for your diary: Year 5 and 6 Camp to Forest Edge - Waroona We have been given the green light that our senior classes are able to attend camp for the first three days of term three, July 20 - 22. If you have not yet returned your permission slip and medical form, please do so by the end of this week so we are able to finalise numbers and begin to plan dorms/activity groups etc… The camp will be a wonderful opportunity to practice our Growth Mindsets! Pyjama day Last Friday afternoon, the class were told by the Year 6s that th...