
Showing posts from June, 2020

Week 9 Important Reminders

Welcome to Week 9! We are almost at the end of a very interesting semester of learning and as Mr Lee pointed out to the class last week, they are nearly in Year 5 and a Half!   Lots of learning and improvements have been made in the first half of the year and we are very proud of the efforts that are being put in by the students to make that happen! In this week’s blog we thought we would remind you of a few important dates for your diary: Year 5 and 6 Camp to Forest Edge - Waroona We have been given the green light that our senior classes are able to attend camp for the first three days of term three, July 20 - 22.    If you have not yet returned your permission slip and medical form, please do so by the end of this week so we are able to finalise numbers and begin to plan dorms/activity groups etc…  The camp will be a wonderful opportunity to practice our Growth Mindsets! Pyjama day Last Friday afternoon, the class were told by the Year 6s that th...

Term 2 Week 8 Info

OUR LEARNING Last week we finished reading or class novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.   In our final week of reading the text, our reading focus was "Fluency".  The children had fun using whisper phones (as modelled below by Lolah and Flynn in photos snapped by our class photographer!) to read to themselves a chapter of the book, whilst monitoring and experimenting with their own fluency and expression. Over the next few weeks we will evaluate the novel by learning to write a detailed Book Review, we will study Roald Dahl’s plot development (to assist us in our future narrative writing endeavours) and compare and contrast the book to the movie.   Our movie viewing will be on the last Tuesday of Term.   This week the children are writing a persuasive text to try and persuade me to have a pyjama day (or not!) on our movie day.   If they use the correct structure that we have learnt during our “Discussion Writing” unit, they will go into the...

Mr T - Speaking Presentations, STEM and the Appreciation Journal

Since returning to some normality, it has been busy on Thursday and Fridays in 5H!! Speaking Presentations - S peaking and Listening Challenge  Term 2 - “If I could live in another part of the world it would be….” Its been wonderful to hear such well-structured and prepared presentations this term. With our topic, we traveled across many continents. From New Zealand, Hawaii, Spain, France, Italy, Chile and Thailand. We all learnt a great deal and it was impressive listening and watching presentations online, delivered from home. All results were sent home, please see me (or your child's laptop bag) if you did not see their results.  STEM Project - Solids, Liquids and Gases After all our science learning this term on matter (solids, liquids and gases), I've given the class the challenge of creating an educational video, suitable for a Year 3 student, that teaches in effective way, all about matter. Below I've attached the outline and steps t...