Term 2 Week 8 Info

Last week we finished reading or class novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  In our final week of reading the text, our reading focus was "Fluency".  The children had fun using whisper phones (as modelled below by Lolah and Flynn in photos snapped by our class photographer!) to read to themselves a chapter of the book, whilst monitoring and experimenting with their own fluency and expression.

Over the next few weeks we will evaluate the novel by learning to write a detailed Book Review, we will study Roald Dahl’s plot development (to assist us in our future narrative writing endeavours) and compare and contrast the book to the movie.  Our movie viewing will be on the last Tuesday of Term. 

This week the children are writing a persuasive text to try and persuade me to have a pyjama day (or not!) on our movie day.  If they use the correct structure that we have learnt during our “Discussion Writing” unit, they will go into the draw to choose one of the “Golden Tickets” from our class display (pictured below) Two of these have a $5 gift voucher behind it to spend on scrumptious treats at Hot Chocolatte! (thankyou to the fabulous Leah Riley for making and donating these as an added bonus fun reward for our fabulous 5H writers!).  We will look forward to the fun of seeing who gets the 5H "Golden Tickets"!

Speaking of our class display, check out some of the impressive Willy Wonka characters (pictured below) that the children drew by reading Roald Dahl’s description and visualising what he looked like.  Many students adopted the style of our focus artist for the term, Quentin Blake (who is our focus artist this term)

In Maths we are continuing to learn mental multiplication strategies and are realising why learning the times tables is important to help us solve more difficult problems.

In Week 6 and 7, we celebrated Paige and Prada as our Merit Award winners!  Keep up the great efforts girls!

Thank you to all the parents that are tracking their child’s home learning during the week and signing it ready for Friday.   Tips for a successful week of Home Learning:
·      Check in with your child's Learning Grid on a Monday night
·      Assist them to spread their workload over the week. 
·      Sign the grid on a Thursday night to indicate their completion
·      Remind your child to pack it into their bag ready to hand in on Friday morning. 
Whilst we are aiming for the children to be self-monitoring the completion and submission of their homework, it appears that many still need parental support to develop good homework patterns and organisational skills.  These skills are important to develop as they head closer toward the independent workload of high school.


Each day last week, multiple students either forgot their laptop or they ran out of charge. Whilst we like to make the children (not you!) responsible for remembering to bring/charge their laptop, please know that your child not having one present or operational impacts their learning.  We began sending home notification slips with individuals to notify you of this occurrence. If your child receives a notification, then we recommend that you continue to support them with charging/packing reminders until it becomes a habit in their nightly/morning organising. 

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Kathy and Adrian


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