Operation Christmas Child Thank you all so much for the lovey contributions you have sent in for our shoe box gifts. In Religion this week, the class have viewed clips of children in different parts of the world opening their shoe box; children who have never before received a present. It has been special to see the joy we are able to share with others who are less fortunate than ourselves. The class will be packing their shoe boxes this afternoon ready to send off. Can you please ensure that all donations and money are bought to school today! Mission Market Our annual Mission Markets are on this Thursday 24th September between recess and lunch. Students are to bring a wallet or purse containing no more than $10 and a reusable bag to carry any purchases. As well as having fun ourselves, we will be helping our Pre-Primary buddy class shop. The children will also be rostered on to help run the year 5 stall (Basketball Hoops). Prizes for this are co...