Operation Christmas Child

Thank you all so much for the lovey contributions you have sent in for our shoe box gifts.  In Religion this week, the class have viewed clips of children in different parts of the world opening their shoe box; children who have never before received a present. It has been special to see the joy we are able to share with others who are less fortunate than ourselves. The class will be packing their shoe boxes this afternoon ready to send off. Can you please ensure that all donations and money are bought to school today!

Mission Market

Our annual Mission Markets are on this Thursday 24th September between recess and lunch.  Students are to bring a wallet or purse containing no more than $10 and a reusable bag to carry any purchases. As well as having fun ourselves, we will be helping our Pre-Primary buddy class shop. The children will also be rostered on to help run the year 5 stall (Basketball Hoops).  Prizes for this are coming from our class fund so prize donations are not required.


The Year 2 children are running a pre-loved toy and game store and would love any donations such as:

·       Books

·       Soft & hard toys (clean)

·       Board games & puzzles, with all pieces

There will be boxes outside the 2M classroom for you to place your donations in.


Faction Tokens and WWWF Winners

Naturaliste won the MJR token tally and Meelup won the Wheelie Walkie Waste-Free count, therefore both factions are able to wear free dress on Thursday (Mission Market Day) as their reward.



Week 10s home learning grid contains a couple of changes to the normal week:

  • Spelling – Spelling words this week are a list of your child’s personal words that they have spelt incorrectly in their writing.  Please ensure they are choosing an activity to complete each night from their spelling menu.
  • Maths – We have just completed our division unit.  This was a very difficult concept for the class so they are to continue practicing the skill this week by completing 4 questions each night.

WEEK 1 & 2 TERM 4

Our wonderful principal, Mr Lee will be taking some of his well earned Principal Renewal leave for the first two weeks of Term 4.  Mr Torrese will be acting Principal during this time.  He will continue to be teaching in 5H on the Thursday of both of these weeks.  Mrs Kartana will be teaching in 5H on the Friday of these weeks, delivering the programmes set by Mr Torrese.



Our class photographers for the past couple of weeks (Prada, Georgia and Lara) have snapped some great shots of our busy researchers and explanation writers (explaining how a part of the body works), our English groups and our collage making in Art. Great snaps girls!  You might spy an ex-student leading one of the English groups.  Cameron now attends Georgiana Molloy Anglican School and chose to come back to OLC for his Year 10 Work Experience.  It was great to have him in the class for a morning helping us with our learning.

The children will be bringing home a copy of Wonder by R.J.Palacio to begin reading over the school holidays.  We will be studying this fantastic novel in our reading sessions next term.  It is a long text so if you can encourage your child to read some (or all of it!) over the holidays it will benefit their learning.  If not, then they may be required to do extra reading for homework next term to make sure they keep up with the weekly reading load.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your precious family time!


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