Term 2 Week 6

Hi 5H families,

We survived NAPLAN and are back into our regular timetable of learning. 


Last Monday the children in 5H passed over their golden tickets to receive their Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Book Bag!  It is full of all of the activities we will be completing as we read this fantastic Roald Dahl book as our class novel.  We will be working in our reading groups on many different Reading Comprehension Strategies, to make meaning from the text, and enjoy it to its fullest!  We began our reading group sessions today! Thank you to Jacob, Flynn, Esmerelda and Alexandra for being our class photographers.

We have also concluded our Visual Art Programme focusing on "The Eye' and the Art Elements of Line, Space and Colour.  Our final activity was to weave God's Eyes... a great activity for mindfulness during our fortnight of NAPLAN testing. The class have produced some amazing artwork and you are most welcome to pop in before or after school this week.  Your child can be the tour guide to show you our displays before we take the art pieces down to send home.  Please send in a recyclable bag that they can bring their artwork home in next week, so that it won't get squashed in bags!  

In our English Rotations we are also focusing on Spelling Rules (this week's rule is when a word ends in o, and it becomes a plural, add es.  For example: potatoes) and Homophone Words (words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning).  The children are enjoying finding and learning how to spell these pairs (or in same cases triplets!) of words.  

Thank you to Mrs Koltrinari for extending an invitation for members of our class to attend her Little Seedlings Sessions.  We have made a roster so that everyone who is interested will have a turn at helping out with her art and craft sessions and storytime.  So far Violet, Alexandra, Esmerelda and Chloe have displayed their leadership skills in this roll and the rest of the class looks forward to their turn on the roster.

National Sorry Day

This Wednesday 26th May, is our National Sorry Day.  In 5H we will be discussing the meaning of this day and the whole school will be taking part in a special prayer assembly at 2pm this Friday.  A reminder that students are asked to wear a t-shirt in red, black or yellow with their sports bottoms on Wednesday as a special whole school photo will be taken to mark our participation in the day.

 Character Strengths

Currently at OLC we are focusing acknowledging different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you would like to learn more, click on the link to more information about the 24 character strengths:


This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Bravery. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following:

Dance For Sick Kids Fundraiser

The talented Mrs Haines organised a wonderful fundraiser last Friday. If your child forgot to bring in their gold coin we will still be accepting donations this week. All funds raised will help seriously ill or injured children and their families by providing a home-away-from-home at Ronald McDonald House, whilst they receive critical care and treatment. 5H students joined the rest of the school in an awesome dance routine led by Mrs Haines.  It was wonderful to see all the talent, smiles, energy and enthusiasm from members of our class! We hope you have our dance extravaganza date on your calendar Friday 2nd June, where you will be invited to watch our class perform the routine they have been learning in their dance classes.



Congratulations to Olivia for being our 5H Value of Appreciation Super Star Citizen this Term.

We hope you have a super week!
Kathy and Adrian




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