Term 2 Week 11
Four more days and we will be halfway through Year 5! Time flies when you are having fun! Your children have worked incredibly well so far this year and have made wonderful personal progress. They are a very enthusiastic bunch and love to learn, making our job a joy! They all deserve a holiday after an eleven-week term of learning. Unfortunately, I was not at school today as my daughter, Emily, has viral tonsillitis. Mrs Serena O'Brien taught from my programmes and Mr Torrese will teach the class tomorrow. Hopefully, I will be back on Wednesday! Year 5 Recipe Book Fundraiser Thank you if you have already sent in your recipes for our Year 5 P&F Fundraiser. We have been told that it is going to be a stunning quality book with Caroline Moylan’s photography. It will be sold within our school and our greater Dunsborough community! A gift that will keep on giving! The organising committee aim to have these ready to sell towards ...