Term 2 Week 11

Four more days and we will be halfway through Year 5! Time flies when you are having fun!  Your children have worked incredibly well so far this year and have made wonderful personal progress. They are a very enthusiastic bunch and love to learn, making our job a joy! They all deserve a holiday after an eleven-week term of learning.  Unfortunately, I was not at school today as my daughter, Emily, has viral tonsillitis.  Mrs Serena O'Brien taught from my programmes and Mr Torrese will teach the class tomorrow.  Hopefully, I will be back on Wednesday!
Year 5 Recipe Book Fundraiser
Thank you if you have already sent in your recipes for our Year 5 P&F Fundraiser.  We have been told that it is going to be a stunning quality book with Caroline Moylan’s photography.  It will be sold within our school and our greater Dunsborough community! A gift that will keep on giving! 
The organising committee aim to have these ready to sell towards the end of next term, however, would love all the content before the end of next week.  If you have not yet contributed, please send recipes to Bec Rechichi:             rcrechichi@live.com 
Bec has specifically requested more main dishes, school lunches/snacks and salads please.
Last Wednesday, the Year Five cohort were blessed with a beautiful blue sky, winter’s morning, to walk to Our Lady of the Southern Cross to share a parish mass with Father Francis.  It was a lovely mass where Father shared a Homily about the “Healthy tree baring Healthy fruit and the sick tree baring rotten fruit.”  He likened this to us having the ability to make good and bad choices and how we can reap a happy life if we choose to live like Jesus through our words and actions.  You may like to reflect on this idea with your child.  Father Francis also spent time after mass answer  the children's "wondering questions" about our church.

Currently at OLC we are focusing on modelling and observing different character strengths. This week we are looking for people who demonstrate Gratitude.  Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following and how they can demonstrate this character strength.
Your child has a regular homework grid this week.  Please encourage them to set aside a little time each night to complete their activities and sign the grid to show its completion on Thursday night, ready to hand in on Friday morning.  Special activities to note this week include sharing their digital journals with you (if you didn’t last week) and the final entry in their Appreciation Journal that they have been adding to each week.  It would be great for you to look through their Journal with them and talk to them about the things in your life that you are grateful for (linking with this week’s character strength above – GRATITUDE)
The dress rehearsal for Friday’s dance concert was fantastic! Thank you all for your support with organising your child’s “spooky” costume! We highly encourage you to try and get along to watch your child perform this Friday, 2nd July, commencing at 2.00pm.   Mrs Haines has had an incredible impact on the children’s dance development in such a short time, but more importantly, through their dance lessons, many children have displayed fantastic growth mindset toward a Learning Area that they were very apprehensive about participating in.  The results of the class working together as a dance troop are incredible! We are so proud of them!   Check out some sneak peeks from our rehearsal day.

Lunchtime Footy
Please remind your child that if they are playing footy at lunch during school, for everyone’s safety there is to be:
No tackling, grabbing or slinging.
No contact except for a tap/touch for the ball to be released immediately.
One bounce only, then kick or hand pass.
A duty teacher is on oval duty to ensure that these rules are followed and children who disregard them will be sent to watch from the sidelines for the remainder of the break.
A report link will be emailed out by O.L.C. Admin on the final day of term.  Please keep an eye out for it. Each one of these reports has taken many hours to prepare.  Our Semester One reports grading align with the Western Australian curriculum and achievement standards for Year 5. We encourage you to read the first opening page of the report which explains what each grade letter means in association with the S.C.S.A. Western Australian Curriculum rather than thinking about the grade letters we used to receive in our schooling years.  A 'C grade' on your child's report indicates that your child is achieving curriculum outcomes at a Year 5 level (the majority of the WA Year 5 population will achieve this level).  Our O.L.C. reports also include the personal values and attitudes of your child towards their learning.
We are so proud of how far they have personally all come over the semester and their dedication towards achieving individual goals.   If you would like to talk about your child's report at the beginning of next term, then please feel free to contact us via email to schedule.
Well done to Isabelle who received our 5H Star Citizen award for our Term 2 school value of APPRECIATION. 

Next Term our school value focus is RESPECT and we will be on the look out throughout Term 3 for two students who regularly display this character strength to be our 5H Star Citizens for respect.
We would like to wish you all a very relaxing, warm and safe school holidays!
Kathy and Adrian


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