
Week 9, Term 4

 Week 9, Term 4!  Great job on making it to week nine guys. Only a few more days to go and the kids will be soaking up that Summer Sun.  What a great term we have had. I honestly feel so blessed to have worked with your children this term. They are a brilliant bunch of souls who are going to soar in Grade Six.  Just a couple of reminders for this week.  Christmas Concert : As mentioned previously, the Christmas Concert is taking place this Tuesday 7th December. It commences at 6pm, so please  ensure that your child comes to class by 5.40pm.  As a class we will walk down together and into our places, while you can find a nice spot on the hill to settle back and enjoy the show. St Vinnie's Donations: A reminder that we are collecting Christmas food and decorative items...if you can please have them in  by Wednesday , we would be very appreciative! Many families have contributed, however if you haven't as yet it is a great yet simple way to give...

Term 4, Week 8

Week 8, Term 4 Wow, can you believe we are here already? The children are doing such an incredible job of finishing off some great work from the term, creating beautiful Christmas pieces for our residents at the retirement village and getting their “Creative” on with their portraits in Art. Just a few reminders for the last couple of weeks. Advent We are currently celebrating and learning about the period of Advent. Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the coming, or birth of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Celebrating Advent typically involves a season of prayer, fasting, and repentance, followed by anticipation, hope, and joy. We celebrate Advent not only by thanking God for Christ's first coming to Earth as a baby, but also for his presence among us today through the Holy Spirit, and in preparation and anticipation of his final coming at the end of the age. The children have been preparing an Advent Calendar of Random ...

Term 4, Week 6

Week 6, Term 4 Can you believe we are nearly half way through week 6 of Term 4? Pretty incredible! I trust you all enjoyed the beautiful weather on the weekend. A few reminders for this week. Character Strength Focus  - We have a  great one this week, looking at the strength of Perspective!  This is a valuable strength to tap into and draw on when things feel difficult or hard to navigate...we all have that friend that we turn to for perspective! As a family, can you identify times when you see this strength being used?   Year 5 End of Year Concert Dress   The theme for the end of year concert dress is ‘Casual Christmas Wear’. Christmas colours, t-shirts and Christmas accessories are all perfect for the occasion. The Year 5’s are also welcome to add some hip-hop flair to their outfit such as a cap backwards, sunnies on or even  some bling around the neck!  Please note that...

Student Leadership Team Speech Template

  Student Leadership Presentation 2022 Nomination Monday 22 nd November Week 7   What your presentation should include:   1.     Information about you.   2.     How you have contributed to OLC in the past – interschool teams, community events, choir etc….   3.     How you have lived out some/all of the school values – with examples….   4.     Why you think you will be a great student leader in 2022.   Remember to present using the speaking skills you have learnt this year.   Make appropriate eye contact Make eye contact with your audience regularly.  When speaking to a larger group, make eye contact with many members of the audience, in front of you and to the sides, as you speak. Use  clear volume , pacing and pauses  to engage the audience   Speak slowly and clearly...

Term 4, Week 4

  Term 4, Week 4 What an incredible term of learning we are having! The class are busy learning about fractions, researching and writing an information report about their chosen illness, creating their presentations delving deeply into the characters of our class novel, Wonder, revising our Friendology skills and diving into their future dreams, who they want to be when they grow up and how they are going to get there. WOW (insert mind blowing emoji)!   Honestly, it is such a blessing to be working with such motivated and beautiful souls. You should all be extremely proud of these little legends you have created.   HOMEWORK Thank you to those of you who are signing our Home Learning Grids and ensuring your child is completing their set homework.  Reading Wonder: The children are doing an incredible job of reading Wonder during their class sessions. If they are away for a session or a day, it would be great for them to keep up with the book at home. Or...

Term 4, Week Two

Term 4, Week Two We have had a fabulous start to Term 4. The children have returned with a motivated attitude towards their learning. They are an absolute delight to be working with and they have all made me feel very welcome. Thank you.  They have been especially focused in Religion on learning about   our Term 4 School Value of Excellence. We have uncovered that it means more than producing work of an “excellent” standard.  It can be the little things that you do throughout the day that that can show we are living this value. We wrote a list of 10 things that require 0 talent and are going to try to develop these qualities this term as they are qualities that school leaders should possess. We have enjoyed the reading the first few chapters of Wonder. Every week, we will be reading sections of it in groups or as a class. The children can choose whether they re-read it at home for the homework or choose their own book.   In Maths we have begun our fract...