Term 4, Week 6

Week 6, Term 4

Can you believe we are nearly half way through week 6 of Term 4? Pretty incredible! I trust you all enjoyed the beautiful weather on the weekend.

A few reminders for this week.

Character Strength Focus - We have a  great one this week, looking at the strength of Perspective! 

This is a valuable strength to tap into and draw on when things feel difficult or hard to navigate...we all have that friend that we turn to for perspective! As a family, can you identify times when you see this strength being used?


Year 5 End of Year Concert Dress 

The theme for the end of year concert dress is ‘Casual Christmas Wear’. Christmas colours, t-shirts and Christmas accessories are all perfect for the occasion. The Year 5’s are also welcome to add some hip-hop flair to their outfit such as a cap backwards, sunnies on or even some bling around the neck! Please note that members of the choir and OLC Dance Crew are asked to wear white with any Christmas accessories they would like to add. 

Mrs Sherborne


Vinnie's Christmas Hamper Appeal

There is currently a box in the classroom that donations to this very worthy cause can be placed. Year five are responsible for bringing along some Christmas Goodies: Chocolates, tinned fruit, non perishable fruit juices, nuts, small gifts, pampering items, vouchers (KMart, coffee, etc).

Thank you for helping to make someone’s Christmas a little more special this year.

Laptop Care - I received a great email from Janine Johnson our IT Coordinator with some excellent advice on what to do if there are any liquid spills close to your child's laptop.

Press the power button in for approximately 10 seconds to turn off the laptop.

a.     Do this immediately to minimise damage.

b.     Do not spend time saving your work and doing a normal shutdown.

c.      Turn the laptop upside down onto a towel (so it is as flat as possible)

d.     Leave the laptop off and let me know what has happened.

e.     Do not turn the laptop back on

f.       Do not put the laptop in a container of rice (rice may get stuck in the laptop and cause further damage)



You may have noticed that the children have not been bringing their homework home for the last two weeks. Adrian and I decided, that with the children currently working very hard on many things in class as well as lots of assessments, a stop in the homework may give them a little bit of time to recoup after school. I did have a chat to the children that reading every night is always a given, but there is no need to record that.


See Saw

A big thank you to all the parents that are taking the time to view their children’s posts and making comments. They love seeing your responses to their work. The children have been working hard on a variety of things in class and See Saw is a great way for them to share and discuss with you what went into the activity and what they are learning from it.


I hope you all have a brilliant week.


Serena O’Brien


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