Term 4, Week Two
Term 4, Week Two
We have had a fabulous start to Term 4. The children
have returned with a motivated attitude towards their learning. They are an absolute
delight to be working with and they have all made me feel very welcome. Thank you.
They have been especially focused in Religion on
learning about our Term 4 School Value
of Excellence.
We have uncovered that it means more than
producing work of an “excellent” standard. It can be the little things
that you do throughout the day that that can show we are living this value.
We wrote a list of 10 things that require 0 talent and are going to try to develop these qualities this term as they are qualities that school leaders should possess.
We have enjoyed the reading the first few
chapters of Wonder. Every week, we will be reading sections of it in groups or
as a class. The children can choose whether they re-read it at home for the
homework or choose their own book.
In Maths we have begun our fraction and
decimals unit. We have been revisiting the roles of the numerator and
denominator, ordering fractions and what makes fractions equivalent.
Thank you parents for signing the children’s home learning grids. It is wonderful to see you supporting your child with developing good home work habits. The homework grid explains the expected activities (in grey boxes) and the optional choices that must be covered each week. This term our “teacher choice” activities that must be completed each week are
· Reading the designated Wonder pages (or a book of their choice for 15 minutes each night if they would prefer)
· Completing spelling activities to help them
learn their weekly words
· Mathletics Teacher Tasks – Children will be allocated
two teacher tasks each week to complete. I have cleared any that have banked up
from previous terms. From this week, if they have any more than two it means
that they haven’t completed the tasks from the week before.
· Kindness challenge –The children have 3 quick
“good deeds” to complete each week. This
is an easy way we can display excellence through our actions.
Tool Making with Josh "Koomal" Whiteland
On Thursday, the students were blessed with a visit with our local Wadandi custodian Josh "Koomal" Whiteland. He told the children about the Aboriginal six seasons and how this influences what is foraged/hunted and eaten. The session also included a traditional fire lighting demonstration, and artefact and tool display.
It was a privilege for us to have this time with Josh Whiteland, as no amount of textbook learning can compare to the sharing of authentic, lived experiences, in our ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Character Strength
Currently at OLC we are focusing on modelling and observing different character strengths. This week we are looking for people who show Leadership.
Oct 21st Interschool Sports Bunbury
Oct 29th Grandparents Day
Nov 5th Silent Disco
Nov 12th Pupil Free Day
Nov 24th AGM
Dec 7th Christmas Concert 5.30
Dec 9th Year 6
Dec 10th Final day and the Colour Run
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