Term 4, Week 8

Week 8, Term 4 Wow, can you believe we are here already? The children are doing such an incredible job of finishing off some great work from the term, creating beautiful Christmas pieces for our residents at the retirement village and getting their “Creative” on with their portraits in Art. Just a few reminders for the last couple of weeks. Advent We are currently celebrating and learning about the period of Advent. Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the coming, or birth of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Celebrating Advent typically involves a season of prayer, fasting, and repentance, followed by anticipation, hope, and joy. We celebrate Advent not only by thanking God for Christ's first coming to Earth as a baby, but also for his presence among us today through the Holy Spirit, and in preparation and anticipation of his final coming at the end of the age. The children have been preparing an Advent Calendar of Random Acts of Kindness. Each day they will pull off a part of the chain, which reveals their act of kindness to fulfill on that day. Christmas Concert The OLC Christmas Concert is Tuesday, 7th Dec (Week 9) commences at 5:30pm, so please ensure that your child is here at 5:15pm. Your child will be required to attend their classroom by 5:15pm and will walk down to the oval as a class, while you can find a nice spot on the hill. The theme for the end of year concert dress is ‘Casual Christmas Wear’. Christmas colours, t-shirts and Christmas accessories are all perfect for the occasion. The Year 5’s are also welcome to add some hip-hop flair to their outfit such as a cap backwards, sunnies on or even some bling around the neck! Please note that members of the choir and OLC Dance Crew are asked to wear white with any Christmas accessories they would like to add. See Saw Thank you so much to those parents who have taken the time to have a look at and make comment on your child’s work on See Saw. They have been working very hard on many different tasks and it is a great way for you to see their progress and to discuss the learning process with your child. Year 6 Leavers T-Shirts A reminder that order forms for Leavers T-shirts are due back this Friday, 3rd December. St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those local people in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St Vincent De Paul Society. This year boxes will be in the shared work areas of the school and families are invited to contribute specified items. Please look out for the labelled boxes in the following areas in the next few weeks and give generously to support others in what can be a difficult time of the year. Christmas Goodies: Chocolates, tinned fruit, non perishable fruit juices, nuts, small gifts, pampering items, vouchers (KMart, coffee, etc). Thank you for helping to make someone’s Christmas a little more special this year. Homework There will be no set homework for the remainder of the term, however the children have been asked to ensure they are practicing their Christmas Concert items daily at home. Library Can you please remind the children to have a look at home for any outstanding library books and return them to the school as soon as possible? Enjoy the last couple of weeks of term and I look forward to seeing you all at the Christmas Concert. Serena O’Brien


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