Term 1 Week 4

Our sincerest apologies go out to Kristie Chapman who also put her hand up to be our Year 5H parent rep, along with Krishna Taylor and Caroline Moylan.  I misread an email Kristie sent and failed to realise that she too was volunteering for the role and had been responsible for recruitment!  Our huge appreciation goes out to this trio!


We came together as a whole school on Wednesday to mark the beginning of Lent with a lovely prayer service led by the Year 6s. Throughout Lent we are encouraged to pray for others, fast (give up something that we enjoy) and participate in almsgiving (giving to those in need). In 5H, the children have nominated one thing for each area (Pray, Fast, Give) that they are going to try and do over the next 40 days.  These are on display in our classroom.  We encourage you to discuss your child's choices with them and assist them in finding a time during their day to pray for their intention.

Our rescheduled swimming carnival is next Tuesday the 3rd of March. 

Please make sure that your child is wearing their sport uniform (faction t-shirt) over their bathers and thongs. 
Your child will also need:
  •  school hat
  •  rashie
  •  towel
  • goggles
  • full water bottle
  • lunch box with enough healthy snacks to last the day!
  •  Sunscreen applied before leaving home (we will take extra to apply throughout the day!)

Please ensure all of the above items are labelled with your child's name.

If you would like to take your child home with you from the pool you will need to come and let us know at the conclusion of the carnival. 


Enrollment packs for St Mary MacKillop College were sent home Thursday afternoon with children who are yet to enroll.  These applications are due by the 30th March.


The children are really enjoying the part of our reading rotations where they are able to choose a book to read for pleasure!  Our class library is filling up with fiction and non-fiction garage sale bargains, hand me downs from the Terrese and King libraries and some sizable deliveries from our own school library.  Thank you to Mary Lee Kemp (pictured below, delivering this week's library gift and being team hugged  by Paige, Priya and Prada...the Triple P hug!) for her incredible work in our school library. There is still a few spots left in our bookshelf if you have any pre-loved children's books gathering dust on your shelves at home!

Speaking Presentations this Week

All presentations are scheduled for Friday this week:

Maths Groups Thursday and Friday 

Don't forget to click here to check out our schedule and see if you can help in our Maths/Measurement groups on Thursdays and Friday. Thanks so much to Kristie and Barbara so far.

STEM Question of the week. - Ask your child:

What is the difference between orbital and rotational periods of a planet?

We hope you all have a happy and relaxing loooooooooonnnnngggg weeeeeeeeekend
Kathy and Adrian


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