Term 1 Week 3

WEEK 3....Yipppeeeeeee!!!!!

Firstly, our huge appreciation goes out to Krishna Taylor (Shaye's Mum) and Caroline Moylan (Ellie's mum) who will be our 5H's class reps for 2020... thank you lovely ladies! 

The highlight of Week 3 was definitely the swimming trials!  We were so proud of the children's determination to compete at whatever swimming level they are at.... everyone gave their 100% effort and loved getting wet!  Of course, the bus trip there and back was a tonne of fun with plenty of games of Spotto and Eye Spy!


We have been enjoying our reading groups over the last couple of weeks.  We collaboratively named our groups after super heroes... in 5H "Reading is our Super Power"! 
The reading comprehension strategies we have focused on so far are ‘Summarising’ and 'Making Connections'.  Next week we will practice our inference skills.  Shout out to Joe, the class photographer this week, for capturing our reading group learning! 

Spelling groups began this week. All students focused on learning words with the phoneme ‘b’.  The students each 15 words to revise and learn each week.  They will be tested on these once a  fortnight. Next week our Sound Waves phoneme is 'a' and your child will bring home their words Monday afternoon to begin to learn.

For the next 4 weeks, we will be exploring narrative writing. With no input from me, the students planned and wrote a narrative "Cold Task"  that had to contain the line "We drove along a winding road.  "Where are we going?" I wondered."  
The children's ideas were fantastic and by reading each I have been able to plan the directions for our programme.  Each child will each be working on writing goals to improve their structure, grammar and punctuation.  At the end of the unit the children will write a narrative "Hot Task" for me to assess their improvements.


In our numeracy sessions we have been focusing on reading and writing 5 and 6 digit numbers and learning about their place value.  The children have enjoyed their work with large numbers, especially using their calculators to assist their mastery.  Our class discussion about "Why do we need to understand large numbers?"  showed me just what incredible thinkers are in our class!

From Mr T

Maths Group Helpers for Thursdays and Fridays

If you can assist for an hour on Thursdays or Fridays with Maths groups, it would be hugely appreciated. 

Click here to add your name to the table if you can help on any of the days this term.

Speaking and Listening
Our presentations have been so entertaining, emotional and inspiring. 
This week we have presenting (only on Friday due to the swimming carnival:


(information about both of the following events is available in the Newsletter on our O.L.C. website)

Wednesday, 26th February : Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent)
Thursday, 27th February :  Senior Swimming Carnival – Year 4-6  

                                            Geographe Leisure Centre 10.00am – 2pm\

Important Reminders

Please check and sign your child's homework grid each week.
We are currently interviewing each child on their times tables knowledge.
This is to ensure that the students are learning those times tables appropriate to them.
Home learning for times tables will begin next week


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