Term 1 Week 5

A big congratulations to the nine 5H members of Naturaliste who helped win the shield for the green team at Tuesday's Swimming Carnival.  It was such a happy, fun day and we had many proud moments. We also saw many examples of growth mindset in your children who were able to work through their difficult emotions of nervousness or disappointment to give their best efforts and feel happy for the winners!  Carnivals are always wonderful opportunity for this experience.

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS  to Lara and Flynn who were awarded as Champion Girl and Champion Boy swimmers for Year 5!  Incredible swimming!  

Lara has had a big week as she also displayed her talents on stage at the Dunsborough Arts Festival X Factor.  Congrats Lara for your stellar efforts!

Thank you to Michelle Kerr for snapping some fabulous photos of memories from the day!!

This week, homework books were set up with a modified grid (due to the short week).  
Please ensure you are checking your child's homework daily, that they are writing in the grid squares what they complete and sign down the bottom ready to hand in each Friday.


Tomorrow is crazy hair day!
A gold coin donation is required for hair creations, but the good news is that all funds raised go to support the local community and school affected by the recent bushfires on the east coast of Australia. 
Meelup are also able to wear free dress tomorrow for earning the most tokens in the first month of school!

Swimming lessons begin next Monday and run for 2 weeks.  Our classroom timetable will continue as normal with a slightly modified program to fit in around swimming lessons and an adjusted specialist timetable for the fortnight (Monday: Music 8:40 - 9:40, Wednesday:  Phys Ed 9:40 - 10:40/H.A.S.S. 11:00 - 12:00, Thursday: Indonesian 8:40 - 9:40... no day changes, just times!).  

We will be travelling by bus to Old Dunsborough Beach with 5J and leaving school at 12:35, as our lesson time is 12:50.  The students will have a 40 minute lesson so our E.T.A. back at school is 1:40.  Please note that our class will be eating lunch early during that fortnight and lunch orders will not be possible, however, recess treats from the canteen will be available as normal.

SPORTS UNIFORM may be worn each day.
Please note - your child must come to school wearing their sneakers, not thongs.

Your child can wear their bathers underneath their sports uniform if they are comfortable but as our lesson is later in the day, they will be given time to get changed before we depart.

Please take the time to check that your child has what they need each day and that it is all clearly labelled;

  • bathers
  • towel
  • goggles
  • change of underwear
  • thongs to wear on the bus and at the beach
  • rashie

We wish Cielo a very Happy Birthday for tomorrow (Friday)!

Kathy and Adrian


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