Term 1 Week 7

We had an amazing week of swimming lessons in old Dunsborough with the weather being so kind.  
Thank you for supporting your child with being organised each day.
The routine remains the same for this week's lessons (see the blog from Week 5).

Please note our Harmony Day Prayer Assembly set for this Friday the 20th of March has been cancelled due to our school's proactive approach towards the COVID-19 virus.

5H have upped our hand washing before every eating break and revised thorough hand washing and coughing techniques.  To help educate ourselves on the virus we viewed the BTN New Report "Corona Virus Explained"available at
which answered many of our questions.

As outlined in the email from OLC admin on Sunday, if your child is sick or not feeling well, please do not send them to school. 

To help your child practice and retain their spelling list words, we have introduced a Word Work "Menu" to the Home Learning Grid.  Your child needs to select one activity to complete each night so that by Friday they have completed a total of 4 activities.  If they choose to complete more activities, wonderful! The more opportunities they have in using their words, the more success they will have in transferring them to their long term memory.  This week's spelling focus is the sound "e",  The Sound Wave chart (pictured below) tells us there are 9 different choices to spell this sound when we hear it in a word!  How tricky is learning to spell in the English language! 

Thank you for your continued support,
Kathy and Adrian


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