Term 2 Week 1

Welcome back to Term 2!

Commencement of this term will mean different things for different families, as you will be choosing to either continue home schooling or to send your child to school. Please be assured that we will respect whatever your decision is. We continue to have your child's best interests at heart and will be sensitive to their needs and feelings.

In the weeks ahead we will be posting our home learning programme on the blog each Sunday evening.  This will provide details of the work to be completed in a daily Monday to Friday format.  We understand that parents fit home learning around their daily routines and that activities will take different children differing amounts of time. Therefore, there will not be times on our programme.  This way you will be able to adjust your learning sessions to times that work for both you and your child. 

There will, however, be scheduled Teams Meetings (both for whole class and small groups).  These times will be clearly marked on the daily plans and we strongly encourage your child to be in attendance during each session so that they can take part in valuable teaching/learning. These “get togethers” are also important for your child’s wellbeing, ensuring a feeling of still belonging to our 5H team! If for some reason they can’t be present, the Teams Session will be recorded and able to be accessed on our Team page at a more suitable time. 

Their first Teams session for the term will be at 9:00a.m. on Wednesday the 29th of April.  Please remind them of “Meeting Etiquette” where they are to join the meeting with their camera and microphone switched off. When it is their turn to talk, they will be able to “switch on!”
We will be scheduling a Parent Teams Session on Monday afternoons at 1.30pm where you can ask any questions about the week’s tasks.  Due to the public holiday, this week’s parent session will take place on Tuesday the 28th of April at 1:30pm. 

All class work will be distributed via One Note.  Assigned work is expected to be completed over the week. It will be clearly stated in the Home Learning Programme what your child needs to do to prove that they have completed the activity.  If they are asked to upload the work to a One Note folder, please ensure that the photo they have taken of their work is clear.

We will be checking to ensure that the work set for each day is completed and leaving feedback on your child’s completed tasks.
If your child is returning to school, they are to come to our 5H classroom as normal.  They will access the same “home learning” programme and Teams Meeting Sessions but will be following the times of our regular class timetable.  Please ensure they bring back all the resources they took home at the end of last term. It is vital to continue to develop their organisational skills and they can't do this if they don't have their belongings with them. 

To mark the beginning of Term 2, on Tuesday the 28th of April from 11.00 to 11.30am, the teachers at O.L.C. would like to offer an “excursion” for families to participate in via a drive through of the Sloan Drive drop off lane!  We will all be lined up along the pathway to allow students to reconnect with their teachers, have a giggle, and establish that it’s back to work time! We would love to see as many families participating in this event as possible –we are missing your faces!

This term, to try and give the children working at home a sense of belonging to the same “class group” as those working at school, we will all be reading the same novel, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” by Roald Dahl. 

A “book bag” will be passed to them at the drive by.  If you don't participate in the drive by, the bag will delivered to your doorstep at some point on Tuesday afternoon.  If you have recently changed address can you please let me know via email (kathleen.holt@cewa.edu.au) so I can ensure I'm delivering to the right house!  If you have notified the office that your child is returning to school in Week 1 then they will receive their bag in class.

The bag contains the novel and our Reading Activities for the first 4 weeks of term and many other activities related to our future reading. 

The bag’s contents will be discussed and explained during the children’s first Teams Meeting (scheduled for 9:00a.m on Wednesday) and they must have the “Golden Ticket” found in the bag to enter the meeting!
Beginning in Week 2, the children will take part in scheduled differentiated Teams Meetings for Reading.  More information will be given about this in next week’s blog.

The “book bag” will also contain anther little bag that has a surprise Mother’s Day Activity for them to complete (No peeking Mums) For those children working from home, expect that their bedroom door may be closed at some point soon for secret making business!!

We are looking forward to seeing all the children’s faces this week (whether it be at the drive by, in our classroom or in our Teams meetings) and getting stuck into a new term of learning with them!

Kathy Holt and Adrian Torrese


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