Week 2 Term 2

We hope you enjoyed the first week back to school!  Thankfully it was a short one to ease us back into our Term of learning.  We loved seeing how the children at home were going and have enjoyed seeing some of the children’s faces back at school last week!  

We thank you for your ongoing support for those of you who are online learning from home.

Thank you also to all those parents who have advised the school on whether their child will be attending in Week 2. Despite the larger group of students returning to school this week, we will remain with teaching the same content for home and school to cater for those at home.

If you child is returning, please ensure that they bring their charged laptop and a pair of headphones is ESSENTIAL.
It would be a good idea to stagger the books being returned so this is a breakdown of the books they will need each day! 

MONDAY  (will be the heaviest!)
Pencil cases
Spelling exercise book
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Book bag (All contents including the spelling sheets)
Reading exercise book
Draft Writing exercise book
Religion exercise book
Music Folder

All of the above plus
Writing exercise book
Health Exercise book
Visual Arts scrap book

All of the above 

MJR Book
Mr Torrese’s Math book

Assessment book

At the moment there is no set homework, however if any work is not completed at home or school on any given day then it automatically becomes homework and is due back the next day.

HOME LEARNING  - Click to access the Week 2 Learning Schedule

The Home Learning Programme is that same structure as last week.  Please be assured the children at school are learning the same as the children at home, so no one is disadvantaged in any way.  However, rather than have input from us, they may required some input from you, particularly in their math sessions.

If your child does not have a particular learning area exercise book at home, please have them gather all of their sheets into a folder and we will glue into the correct book when they return to school. 

No one will have their H.A.S.S. book at home as these are stored in the library with Mrs Meyer and were overlooked when we gathered up belongings to send home last term.  So, as above, keep all of the H.A.S.S. work in a folder so it will be able to be glued in when your child returns to their regular lessons with Mrs Meyer in the library.

Each morning the student's learning from home are encouraged to check in via a Teams meeting at 9:00a.m. each morning.  Please remind them of “Meeting Etiquette” where they are to join the meeting with their camera and microphone switched off. When it is their turn to talk, they will be able to “switch on!”

Our weekly Parent Teams Session is scheduled on Monday afternoon at 1.30pm where you can ask any questions about the week’s tasks. 

There are also several other Teams meetings scheduled throughout the week. Please refer to the Week 2 programme for these and make note of when your child is required to join a meeting.

Don't forget about the Live Maths Session with Mr T on Thursday at 11am and the Live Speaking Presentations on Friday  at 9:30am - everyone is expected to attend please!

Thank you all for your ongoing support and we hope your home situations are happy and healthy!

Kathy and Adrian


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