Week 4 Term 2

We are thrilled to have our 5H “Learning Team” back together again!   
We have been so proud of the way each child has transitioned back into being back in class and they have shown improved organisation and independence with some wonderful work being produced in all learning areas.

Can you please encourage your child to have a look around home for any remaining books/stationery that may have been left behind from home learning and pack it to bring back tomorrow.  Many are without scissors and glue so if you could please ensure these are restocked that would be most helpful!  We also need Maths Pencil cases returned as we will be using their contents this week!

In writing we are studying the features and structure of persuasive “Discussions”. Last week we broke down the introductory paragraph to learn that we need to include a hook (rhetorical questions, statistic, quote or humour) and use high modality words to bring strength to the opinion we are presenting.   PARENTS BEWARE…. We are going to become very good at discussing our point of view!

In Reading, we continued to read our class novel “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.  We have been applying the comprehension strategies of summarising and questioning after we finish each chapter.  Next week we are going to be reading Roald Dahl’s incredible descriptions and apply the reading skill of visualising to help us form vivid pictures in our heads of the characters, setting and inventions in Chapter’s 11 to 15.  

In Spelling this week our Sound Waves focus is ‘g”.  We will begin learning specific list words next week (when homework commences).  We have also been learning pairs of homophones.  These are words that sound the same but have a different spelling choice (write/right, pair/pear, bye/by/buy).  If we confuse them in our writing then the intended meaning is lost  For example, “The leaves fell from the tree until it was bear” is incorrect.  The correct homophone to keep meaning in this sentence would be bare.  If you notice in your child’s writing at home where they use an incorrect homophone, take the time to talk to them about the correct choice! 

In numeracy, we have been revising the invaluable skill of rounding and have applied it to assist our calculations in worded problems.  We will be using it in the weeks ahead to assist us with our learning of Addition and Subtraction.

Our School Value for Term 2 is APPRECIATION.  We have completed numerous activities to help our attitude for gratitude!  We have also started our next RE Guidelines Unit of Work – Baptism and have reflected on how people work in our community for the good of others.  Did you know Jesus was a carpenter?

The class have been learning about our “Circle of Control” and how there is no point wasting our energy or worrying about things that are not in our control...Once we begin to focus on our own thoughts, words and actions we can better regulate our emotions and make better choices.  Ask your child to explain the diagram below:

Our regular Homework Learning Grid and Spelling Activities will begin next week.  Since returning to school your child has been individually tested on their knowledge of the 4 times tables.  Most of the children knew how to count by 4s, but when asked the times table questions in random order, they gave incorrect responses.  Therefore, this week, the class will be given a 4x table revision booklet on Monday and must have it completed for homework by Friday.  We highly recommend fitting times tables practice with you into your child’s week as it will assist them in their future Maths learning and in real life problem solving.

A HUGE shout out to Luca who is celebrating her birthday today! 

Kathy and Adrian.


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