Week 5 Term 2

 A reminder that our homework learning grid began again this week and is due tomorrow. As indicated on the grid in their homework book, your child needed to complete reading, a spelling activity and 6x table practice each night and choose any 3 of the other activities on the grid to complete over the week. 
Please sign the bottom of the grid to indicate that your child has completed these requirements for the week and support them in recommencing the habit of bringing their homework book to school each Friday morning to be checked by Mr Torrese.

Tomorrow, Friday the 29th May, students in Naturaliste are allowed to wear free dress to celebrate their awesomeness in earning the highest number of tokens over the first half of Term 2. Go Green Team!!


Could you please make sure that your child charges their laptops each night and that they bring their headphones to school every day as we use them often!

This term, in Health, we have been learning about our “Circle of Control” and how to best cope during uncertain or stressful times (like what's been going on this year...)  Unfortunately, many children get anxious or stressed when their regular routine changes. Their worries can be quite overwhelming and interfere with their play, learning, and sleep.  While we can't prevent our children from worrying, we can teach them healthy strategies for coping with these heavy feelings.  We will be completing another activity on this next week.
In the meantime, you may like to discuss and implement some of the ideas from the BIG LIFE JOURNAL poster below.

Here’s an idea (from the creator of the Big Life Journal, Alexandra) to try if any of your children tend to worry A LOT

Set aside daily "worry time". 
How does it work?
Schedule 10-15 minutes a day when your child can get all of their worries out by either talking about them, journalling, or drawing.
During the day, encourage your child to write their worries down (or draw them) so that they can get back to them during their "worry time". 
Eventually, your child's brain will get accustomed to worrying at this particular time and much less during the day or before bed. 

There are many more useful ideas on a whole range of topics at Alexandra’s blog (biglifejournal.com)  I highly recommend a browse!

There has been a halt to our assemblies this term due to no large gatherings or parents allowed on sight.  However, we have been able to recognise the excellent work that students have been putting in with Mr Lee and Mr Torrese visiting our class to deliver the weekly  awards!  Congratulations go to our Week 4 award winners, Luca and Pearl and to our Week 5 Star Citizen, Justin, for continuously displaying our school value of APPRECIATION!

Thank you for your ongoing support


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