Week 3 Term 3

Interschool Cross Country:
Last Thursday the O.L.C. Inter-school Cross Country team competed in Bunbury.  Mr T was super impressed with the attitude and effort of all the students who attended.
A massive congratulations to Noah for placing 2nd overall in the Year 5 boys race, Tieg for placing 6th and Mahley 16th. An amazing effort in a field of about 70 boys!

Home Learning Grid:
As part of their home learning last week, hopefully your child shared their Camp Memory Wheel and you were able to access the camp photos with them via One Note.  If you haven’t had the chance to do this yet, consider taking the time to do so with them this week, as their camp experience was full of personal highlights and growth points!

This week the two spelling activities on Monday to choose from are either “Sentences” or “Dictionary Meaning.” I am hoping that these two activities will assist them in thinking how to apply them in their own writing as currently I am finding that they are not transferring correctly.

Please remember to check in with your child throughout the week to check they are completing their tasks and sign the grid on a Thursday night ready to hand in Friday mornings.

Our Learning:
In English this term we will not only be continuing small group guided reading sessions but also introducing small group writing sessions (to reteach concepts of punctuation and grammar or to extend sentence and paragraph structures).  Our focus genre in writing this term is “Explanations”.  We will continue to learn a phoneme (sound) each week through our Soundwaves programme and so far this Term have covered “ee” and “m.”

In Mathematics this term we will be focusing on the concepts of multiple digit multiplication and division and applying these to worded problems.  The children are understanding why it is important to learn their times tables as it makes higher order concepts more difficult to practise with basic fact knowledge lacking.  Please assist them in learning their 7x tables (currently our homework focus). 

In Religion we are learning about our conscience and how it helps us to make decisions.  Our School Value this term is RESPECT and we are trying hard to ensure this is alive in our classroom! 

In Health we are continuing our Keeping Safe and Friendology Programmes and will also delve into learning about the Human Body later in the term, integrating our writing genre to write an explanation of how a chosen body part works. The class has also been using the Reflect App to check in their feelings each morning, stating a reason why they believe they are feeling that emotion.  This is a great way for us to monitor their well being and open a discussion with them as needed.  

In Visual Arts our focus is on collage.  We will be completing many artworks using this technique and our focus artist this term is Melbourne based Laura Blythman, who produces beautiful artworks using collage.  We also have a bulk loan of Jeannie Baker books from the library to read and enjoy the illustrations as they are all photographs of Jeanie’s incredible collages.

Merit Award Winner Week 2:
Congratulations to our great new recruit, Jeremy for his incredible start at O.L.C.  He displayed incredible courage to come away with 80 people he didn’t know on camp and has learnt 5Hs routines and rules super fast to be completing lots of fabulous work already!  Well done and welcome Jeremy!

From Mr Torrese.......

Speaking and Listening Challenge 

Term 3 - “Who is someone that inspires you and why?

This could be someone in your life, a parent, sibling, cousin, uncle, aunty, friend or someone you know about and that could be famous.

This term your presentation should go for at least 2 minutes.

Reflecting on an area to improve on from last semster, the focus this term is on expression and tone!

We are using Readers Theatre during class session on Fridays to assit in developing more confidence with using expression and tone in our presentations. We've had a lot of fun and laughs so far! - Learning supposed to be fun - right!

Ask you child about using gestures and sound effects in speaking presentations.

This Friday I will model a presentation on someone who inspires me!! 

I hope the students find it......inspirational!!!!


Make appropriate eye contact

5 points

Make eye contact with your partner regularly.  When speaking to a larger group, make eye contact with many members of the audience, in front of you and to the sides, as you speak.

Use clear volume, pacing and pauses to engage the audience

5 points

Speak slowly and clearly when describing and explaining. Pause after introducing new information. 

Use tone of voice to enrich your presentation

5 points

Sound excited when describing exciting things.

Speak quietly to add some drama

Use visual aids to engage the interest of the audience

5 points

(Photos, objects, maps, posters, art etc)

Show the audience models, pictures or examples of your topic.

Be careful not to hide your face. Don’t let the visual aids become a distraction.

Do you speak about each of the visuals or slide?

Presentation Structure

5 points


Do you an have attention grabbing introduction?



Do you have engaging information through the body of your presentation?



Do you have an interesting way that you link everything together and do you use a statement such as:

“And last of all …..........

“The final thing is ….....

”I would like to remind you ….....

to conclude your presentation.

STEM Focus this term is Light

Light - Wikipedia

As part of Science (Physics) learning in this area, we will be integrating Design and Technology to design and create a pair of sunglasses that have lenses which darked light but don't change the colour of objects. Mmmm....interesting I hear you say!!!

To inspire us and to assist with our learning, Mr Nathan Omodei from Otis Eyewear will be coming in for an incursion to talk to us about how lenses are made, the Otis Logo and the design process for Otis sunglasses.

Welcome to OTIS Eyewear Australia
Should be a great term of learning.

Ask you child about turning the TV on and off with a mirror!!!

Mr T


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