Week 5


MATHS HOMEWORK- Multiplication

This week, as part of their homework, your child is asked to complete 2 multiplication facts each night (8 in total).  The second part of this activity is for them to share their calculating methods with you. “Math Talk” is very important to assist in the understanding of the difficult concept of extended multiplication. 

We have completed many tasks on this concept including small group work, peer teaching, multiplication games and Mathletics tasks. Thank you to this week's class photographer, Tilly, for snapping some pics during our maths lessons.

The children’s mastery of this concept will be tested during our Math lesson on Wednesday.  We will begin our “Multiplication Ninja Masters” next week with the aim of your child achieving the different colour belts as they are tested on their table facts.  More information on this next week!


Many people are currently without the required stationery and they are constantly having to be borrow from others. This is causing a problem, as people are moving around the class unnecessarily, taking longer to organise themselves and interrupting important learning time. Please check with your child that they have the basics: a blue and red pen, a glue stick and a pair of scissors. Thanks in advance!


Congratulations to Ruby for showing great growth mindset toward her learning this term and for being our Week 4 merit award super star🌟



- Athletics Faction Carnival - Thursday 27th August

- Pupil Free Day (Staff PD) - Friday 28th August

- Catholic Day - No Student/Staff - Monday 31st August

- School Photos - Thursday 10th & Friday 11th September

- Feast Day & Mission Markets - Thursday 24th September (Students last day of Term 3)

- Pupil Free Day (Staff PD) - Friday 25th September

Mr T  - Thursday and Friday 

Check out the cool photos of our light experiment. Observing how light travels in a straight line and how white light spilts to reveal the spectrum of colours (like a rainbow)

We used prisms, torches and cup of water for this session.

Pretty cool stuff!

Coming up:

1. Incursion from Otis eyewear (Mr Nathan Omodei) about how their lenses are made  - this integrates with our STEM topic of light and our STEM project of making a pair of sunglasses that darken light without changing the colour of objects.

2. Dont forget we start our Speaking presentations on "Someone who inspires us" this week.

We're looking forward to presenatations from:

Week 5:

ThursdayMahley, Jasper, Flynn, 

Friday - Ruby, Lolah, Joe, Noah, Georgia


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