Week 9 Term 4

 What an incredible year of learning and growth we have had in 5H!   Sadly it is our final week together although it continues to be a busy one! 


This week we will be concluding our Wonder unit of work and will be rewarded by viewing the movie on Tuesday to compare it to the book.  We will continue to write Information Reports on how other countries celebrate Christmas and will also be writing a Christmas “Poetree” using some of the Figurative Language we have learnt this term.  We will be having any repeat tests for children who needed more practise time to try and earn their ninja times table certificates.  Thank you to Joe and Jeremy, our photographers last week who took some snaps around our classroom of our recent activities.




We began Advent last week with a prayer around the advent wreath.  We made an advent chain that is going to help us count down the days until Christmas.  On each link of the chain we wrote a kind deed that we could do that day to “Make Jesus Real” in the lead up to celebrating his birthday on 25thof December.  We will be breaking one chain off each day and will try and action what is written on it.



Our Christmas Concert is this Tuesday, the 8th of December.  Please ensure that your child is at our class by 5:20p.m.  The students are asked to wear Christmas colours. 5H will be joining 5J to sing you a Christmas song they have been practising with Mrs Sherborne in their music lessons! For more information please view the latest OLC newsletter.  We look forward to seeing you all there!


Congratulations to the children who presented their leadership speeches last Tuesday.  Next year's Head Boy and Girl will be announced at the Christmas Concert.



Please return your Leaver’s T-Shirt Order form ASAP.  The children voted for their design last week. It was a tough choice with some great designs from our Year 5 artists!  The shirts are available for sizing in the 6R wet area opposite 5H.



The hampers are to be presented at assembly on Friday.  5H has been asked to bring in toiletries: shampoos, brush, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lip balm, sunscreen, moisturisers, soap, perfume etc.  Thank you for helping to make someone’s Christmas a little more special this year.



Please have a hunt around your homes for any books belonging to school as all library books including WONDER are now due back. 



Please send in a recyclable bag with your child on Wednesday as we will begin sending home books over the final few days. 


No homework this week!


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