Term 1 Week 9
BEARS TO SHOW WE CARE Thank you for embracing our mission fundraiser this term. An outstanding amount of $385 was raised and the children loved having their “special guests” at school for the day! Beary successful! FIRST AID Well done to all the students this week for their responsible listening and learning on Friday during their first aid lesson from one of local ambulance officers. Hopefully your child discussed with you some of the skills they learnt. PARENT MEETINGS It has been lovely to meet with parents to discuss our 5H students and to have the opportunity to celebrate your child’s strengths and set them some future learning goals. At the end of our meetings, we give you a Growth Mindset booklet that your child worked on in their early days in 5H. Please take the time to sit and read through this with them, as it is a valuable skill for the children to develop, that will assist their learning in areas they find challenging. ...