Term 1 Week 7


The students have been working hard during their swimming lessons.  They have been commended on their effort by their swimming teachers and congratulated by us for using their growth mindsets to keep smiles on their dials, even on those cloudy days!

Swimming lessons continue this week, so we have another five days of sport uniform. 

A BIG thank you to everyone for being so organised for swimming lessons every day last week! 

Please ensure your child has all the items they need for their lessons each day this week including:

sunscreen, rashies, googles, bathers, thongs, towel and spare undies.

PLEASE NOTE: There is no assembly or library while swimming lessons are on.

As per last week, our class is unable to order our lunches from the canteen as we eat lunch at 12:00pm.  



This Tuesday, the 15th of March, Mr Lee is inviting all students from Years 1 to 6 to join in some fun for “wheels after meals”.  Unfortunately 5H will be at their swimming lesson when this is on. We will let you know next time they are able to bring in their set of wheels (skateboard, scooter or rollerskates).


Parent Meetings 

We will be having an opportunity to get together in Week 8 and Week 9 which will be wonderful! Adrian is currently ironing out some tech issues and we will be sending a link to an online booking form that you will be able to use to make a time for us to discuss your child's progress for the first few weeks of the year.  We will be in touch as soon as this is sorted.


Lastly, a big thank you to all our wonderful 5H family for supporting Violet, Ann Marie and family over the past few weeks.  Last week, Emma gifted Violet with a beautiful book that we then read in class about the power of life, friendship, love and cake!

  It's entitled, "The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse", by Charlie Mackesy.  

We can thoroughly recommend it as a wonderful story to share with your child to foster discussions about what truly matters in life.

Kathy and Adrian



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