Term 1 Week 9


Thank you for embracing our mission fundraiser this term. An outstanding amount of $385 was raised and the children loved having their “special guests” at school for the day! Beary successful!


Well done to all the students this week for their responsible listening and learning on Friday during their first aid lesson from one of local ambulance officers.  Hopefully your child discussed with you some of the skills they learnt.


 It has been lovely to meet with parents to discuss our 5H students and to have the opportunity to celebrate your child’s strengths and set them some future learning goals.   At the end of our meetings, we give you a Growth Mindset booklet that your child worked on in their early days in 5H.  Please take the time to sit and read through this with them, as it is a valuable skill for the children to develop, that will assist their learning in areas they find challenging.


 As you are aware, our class is presenting The Easter Liturgy to the rest of the school in the hall on Wednesday morning at 10am.  Thank you for practising the readings at home.  We have some very confident, fluent readers who will be sharing their parts. 

If your child is a reader, you are asked to dress them in a simple costume, suitable for that era.  A simple sheet toga is fine if you don’t have a basic style robe and sash.  A tea-towel with headband may be worn as a headdress but is optional.  We are hoping to have a dress rehearsal on Tuesday so please send your child’s costume with them for this day. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

We have been able to find costumes for all the children acting in the story.  If your child is one of the actors and you have a suitable costume for their part, then please use it and that will free one of the costumes for a reader. 

All children will be bare foot (except the soldiers who will wear school shoes) so no need to think about footwear.

If you are available to assist children with their costumes on Wednesday morning before the liturgy then please send me an email. 

The children are really proud of the team work that they have displayed during their practises so we hope you are able to make it to see them shine!


As you may already be aware our Swimming Carnival will take place this Thursday 1st April at Margaret River Leisure Centre. The start time is 10am, please refer to school's previous email for further information.


Due to it being a shortened week this week with our carnival on Thursday and the holidays beginning on Good Friday, the children will not have any homework for the week.  


Congratulations to our super star award winner for Week 8, Emma!

Free Dress 💚

Congratulations to NATURALISTE who was this weeks token winners. They have won the privilege of wearing free dress this Wednesday 31st March. 

Thanks for your continued support,

Kathy and Adrian

MESSAGE from MRS LEAHY - Please help us construct Pre-primary Icebergs!!!

Our Pre-primary science lessons have involved looking at how ‘the sun changes everything’.

We are planning on finishing our unit by constructing 2 ‘icebergs’ in the pre-primary area to see how the sun effects one sitting in the sun and the other sitting in the shade. But we need your help….

We are asking every family in the school to bring iceblocks (made using an icecream container or large plastic container) to the Pre-primary playground this Thursday morning (1st April). You may colour the water if you like.

We will watch the icebergs melt throughout the day after predicting how long it will take for the icebergs to melt and which one will melt first.

Please help us construct the biggest icebergs we can!!!



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