Welcome to Term 2!

Welcome to Term 2, 5H families! 
We have an action packed 11 weeks of learning ahead of us! 
But first to recap on the end of Term 2! 

It was so wonderful to have you in our 5H learning space to discuss your child. We really enjoyed sharing their strengths and discussing their focus areas with you. We hope you had time to share their GROWTH MINDSET booklet with them over the holidays and keep it handy for those moments that your child might need a positive mindset boost. If you are interested in working on this area with your child, then a recommended website is https://biglifejournal.com.au/ If you sign up for their weekly newsletter you can access great free printables. The site also has a link to an excellent podcast for your child to listen to. We will be following up on any areas discussed in the meetings over the next couple of weeks. 

Your children made us so proud in the way they presented the Easter Story to the rest of the school in the final week. Their reading was exceptional! Their acting, Golden Logie nomination worthy! And their teamwork behind the scenes, brilliant! It was a wonderful way to collaborate for the end of our first term together.
What an incredible day to finish Term 1! We were so proud of all the year 5H students who tried their very best to earn points for their faction. There was fantastic growth mindset on display. We especially loved seeing them congratulate each other for their own personal bests at the end of each race. Congratulations to the overall winners of the swimming Carnival, Geographe, although we do have to say that we think Naturaliste were the winners of best cheering! A special congratulations to Mila for being our Year 5 Champion Girl, Olivia for being Runner Up Year 5 Girl and to Xavier for being our Runner Up Year 5 Champion Boy.
Congratulations to Scarlett Dearlove for winning our star citizen award at the end of term 1 for the compassion she displays to others on a daily basis. You are such a kind and thoughtful person Scarlett!
The Home Learning Grid is a little different this week… it has 4 “must do” activities.
• Holiday Recount Fact Versus Fiction 
• Reading Eggs – Homophones Task 
• Mathletics – Review (at least 2 tasks) 
• Spelling (complete 3 activities with spelling words located on One Note) 

Please ensure your child has completed these and sign them off by Friday. 

Monday 26th April - Public holiday 
Tuesday 27th April - NO CANTEEN 
10th May – 21st May 2021 NAPLAN (Spread out across Week 4 and 5) 
11th May - Wheels after meals 
Friday 4th June - Student free day 
Monday 7th June - Public holiday 
Tuesday 8th June - Student free day 
Friday 2nd June - Dance concert 

We are looking forward to an incredible term in 5H! 
Kathy and Adrian 


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