We hope that all of you amazing 5H mums were spoiled with gratitude yesterday and that you loved your gifts, especially the thoughtful words written by your child on the gift tags…. I had a few tears spring to my eyes proofing them!  


 NAPLAN - This begins tomorrow and the schedule is to run as per the email previously sent by Adrian:

 Tuesday 11th of May – Writing

Wednesday 12th of May – Reading

Monday 17th of May – Conventions of Language

Tuesday 18th of May – Numeracy


All test sessions will begin at approximately 9:00a.m.

 Our 5H focus is on keeping the whole fortnight low key and stress free! We have been reminding the students that this test only tells the assessors a little about their learning...it doesn't tell them about their other talents and strengths. As their cheerleaders, we are only asking for their best effort.  If test conditions are daunting to them then take this wonderful opportunity to locate their “Growth Mindset” booklets (given to you at our parent meetings) and share with them their own words of encouragement to themselves!

On testing days, we request that you ensure your child has a good breakfast, that they bring a full water bottle, headphones and a charged laptop.  Arriving at school by 8:40am will also minimise stress.

At the end of each assessment our normal learning program will resume... our Year 5 learning is not paused over the two weeks for a fortnight long NAPLAN festival!  We may have a little celebration dance after each test completed though!


 As always, the children have their grids stuck in their homework book.  Please support them to complete their tasks throughout the week, signing to show completion on a Thursday night, ready to hand into Mr Torrese on Friday morning.  Thank you to those of you who support this.

 This week the children have 2 new activities:

·      Spelling Choice Grid: Choose one activity from a choice of 2 each night and complete in their homework book, therefore completing a total of 4 activities by Friday (equating to 1 per night).

·      Appreciation Journal: complete daily reflection questions.  Our school value this term is APPRECIATION.  By completing their journal, it is hoped that your child will begin to value the people and blessings in their life.  “Gratitude is the best Attitude” to assist us with our mental well being.

 Wheels after Meals

This will be held tomorrow (Tuesday 11th of May). Children are encouraged to bring along their roller blades, skateboards or scooters (no bikes) and the appropriate protective gear and leave behind Mr Lee’s office to use after their lunch is eaten. Please be aware that if a child does not have their helmet, they will not be able to participate in this wonderful Mr Lee initiative. 
Book Fair for 2021

The lovely Mrs Kemp is holding our annual Scholastic Book Fair in our school Library on Tuesday and Wednesday of Week 5 (18th and 19th of May). The funds raised assist in the purchasing of new books for our school library.  We encourage you to support this valuable fundraiser through the purchase of books and posters (To support our school’s sustainability policy, there are no small toys/gadgets available, that often end up as land fill). 


Congratulations to Xavier Goodall for receiving the merit award for Week 3.

 Community Support

Dear OLC Community,
As you know one of our family's recently suffered the unexpected loss of their husband and father in February this year. Dave Clift was husband to Annmarie and dad to Violet in Year 5H, and to former OLC students Damon (17), and Sunny (15). Annmarie has been overwhelmed by the love and support she has already received in terms of willing listeners, shoulders to cry on and lovingly prepared meals. Many people have continued to ask how they might best help the family as they move forward. Here is a way. Without Dave and an income, Annmarie could really use some financial support. If you are able, even if in a small way to contribute to this Go Fund Me Campaign, she would be forever grateful. Thank you and may God Bless you.
Mrs. Amie Meyer


Upcoming Events

TOMORROW Tuesday 11th May:  Wheels After Meals

Wednesday’s until the end of Term: Walkie Wheelie Waste Free

Friday 4th June - Student free day

Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th of May:  Book fair

Wednesday 26th May: National Sorry Day

Thursday 3rd June: Winter Carnival - Yr's5&6

Monday 7th June - Public holiday

Tuesday 8th June - Student free day

Friday 2nd June - Dance concert

 Thanks for your continued support, Kathy and Adrian


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