Term 3 Week 1

 Hi 5H families and welcome back to our Term 3 blog!  

It's going to be another fabulous term of learning! The children have returned from holidays refreshed and eager to work on the goals set for them in their Semester 2 reports. Please read below for some insight into some of the exciting things our term together will include:  


 Our Year 5 “Culture, Nature and Challenge” days this term are on the 2nd and 3rd of August.  A note will be sent home on Friday asking for parent helpers for each day, so please be on the lookout for it in your child's bag and return it early next week to enable us to plan our groups.

Activities that the students will rotate through are:

·      Koomal Dreaming - Wadandi cultural activities of Tool Making

·      Calgardup Cave Tour (children will be supplied with a helmet and head torch)

·      Guided hike from Contos to Redgate Prevelly

·      Challenge Loop - Work in teams to navigate Prevelly and complete team building activities

Please find the packing list for these two days below.  Please note that a headlamp is not required as the cave tour will supply a protective helmet with a light on it.


Writing: we will be focusing on the genre of Explanation Writing and trying to extend our writing to include complex sentences and interesting vocabulary.  Later in the term we will also learn to write a comprehensive book report.

Reading: we will be continuing to apply reading comprehension skills to read, understand and connect with our class novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  We will also have a focus on fluency and expression when reading aloud.  

Spelling:  we will be focusing on the following phonemes in our Soundwaves Programme and the choices that we can make to spell these sounds – “oo” as in book, “oo” as in boot, “ou” as in cloud, “oy” as in boy, “eer” as in deer, “air as in chair, “er” as in ladder, “th” as in thong, “th” as in feather, “ch” as in chicken, “sh” as in shell, “y” as in yoyo and “s” as in treasure!

Maths: In the beginning of the term we will extend our multiplication and division skills.  We will also be learning about 3D shapes.

Speaking and Listening:  we will be planning an explanation style of presentation.  The students will choose a topic to explain how it works or why something happens.  Look out for Mr T’s Speaking Challenge Post!

Religion: we will begin with our Confirmation Unit as we support the Year 6's on their faith journey! Our school’s value this term is RESPECT so we will highlighting this throughout the term through various activities.

Science: we are focusing on the Biological Sciences and animal adaptations.

Design and Technology: we will be integrating with maths to investigate food safety.

Health: we will continue to work on our self regulation strategies and also investigate the human body.  We will also continue or Friendology sessions helping the students to learn the skills and strategies needed to negotiate friendships and our Keeping Safe Programme.



·       This Semester, Upper Primary classes are no longer studying dance on Tuesday.  We are now studying music with Mrs Sherborne. Students still need to wear their sports uniform each Tuesday  as they have their Physical Education lesson with Mrs Sinclair. 


·       Canteen will commence next week on Tuesday’s and Thursday's ONLY. 


·       Now that we are halfway through the year, could you please ask your child if they have lost or used up important stationery items from their pencil case and restock these items.  This include:  Pens (red, blue and black fine liner), pencils, erasers, rulers, glue sticks, highlighters, sharpeners and scissors.  It really does impact their learning when they don’t have these “tools” (and the learning of others when they have to ask to borrow them!)


Thursday 29th July: Interschool Cross Country

Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd of August: “Culture, Nature and Challenge” days

Wednesday 4th of August: Year 5s Bishop's Literacy Test

Friday 6th of August: 5H Adoration in the Church

Friday 13th August: Mission Markets and OLC 25th anniversary Mass

Saturday 21st August:  5H Family Mass @ the Church @ 6pm

Wednesday 25th August: OLC Open night (4.30 pm-5.30 pm)

Thursday 26th August:  Athletics Carnival

Friday 27th August: Student Free Day

Thursday 9th September:  School Photos

Wednesday 22nd September: Book Week Dress up

Thursday 23rd September: Interschool Athletics


It's going to be a wonderful term of learning and fun in 5H!

Kathy and Adrian




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