I hope you all enjoyed your O.L.C. Loooooong weekend!


It was a very wise decision for Mr Lee to reschedule our Sports Carnival to Wednesday as it was near perfect weather conditions (until those tent pegs gave way in wind gusts at its conclusion!).  Congratulations to Leeuwin for being our overall winners and to Naturaliste for cheering the loudest!  Well done also to Mila for being our Year 5 Champion Girl, to Chloe.R. for being her Runner Up and to Xavier.G. for being Runner Up Year 5 Champion Boy.  There were many moments of growth mindset on display so congratulations to all 5H members for their good sportsmanship, smiles and efforts!



It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Open Classroom last Wednesday!  I  loved hearing the students proudly being your tour guides, “showing off” our classroom and their recent learning.  You will never again believe them when you ask them what they did at school today, and they respond… nothing! We've been working super hard in 5H and we’ve been so pleased with the development and output from the students this term.  It was timely that they had a chance to share it with you.  Thank you for your attendance and I’m sure your child appreciated all of your positive feedback on their efforts!


As previously notified, this week, 5H students will be creating a shallow pottery bowl or plate (depending on the mould that they bring in from home). The theme for this art piece will be 'Inspired by Nature'.

 Your child will need to bring in the following items to help with the creative process.  Please send this items to school on Tuesday in a bag with your child’s name on it.

 1. Rolling pin or something similar (no longer than 30cm)

2. Approximately 10cm x 15cm shallow mould (e.g - shallow plastic take-away container)

This could be an oval, rectangle or similar shape.  This allows the clay to be placed upside down on the mould, ready to be fired in the kiln.

3. A range of materials from nature to create the patterns on the clay (e.g - leaves, shells, gum nuts etc)

 OLC'S GOT TALENT AUDITIONS A note from Mrs Haines

Attention all Year 3-6 Superstars! OLC's Got Talent Auditions will be running TUESDAY WEEK 7 from 8.40am-1pm (once students have performed they return to their classroom). Please practice your act and be ready to shine! Successful audition acts will perform in the annual OLC's Got Talent, Friday Week 8! Please bring all props/equipment/music/costumes needed.  Thank you! 


The home learning grid returns to normal this week.  Please ensure your child is completing their activities throughout the week and sign the grid Thursday night, ready to hand in to Mr Torrese on Friday morning.  It is really helpful if you begin to assist your child in forming good homework habits so they are able to transition easier to a heavier workload in high school.

 Hope you have a super week!

Kathy and Adrian


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