Term 3 Week 6

 We may have a short week of learning this week, but it is certainly a busy one!

 Open Classroom 

This Wednesday, the 25th of August between 4:30 and 5:30pm, you are warmly invited to come into 5H to spend some time with your child in their classroom. They will give you a tour of our learning space and you will have an opportunity to view some work samples out on your child's desk.  

On their desk there will also be a star for you put on your favourite piece of work that your child has produced. Please use the space on the star to give some positive feedback to your child and let them know how proud you are of their development.

Please note, that this session is not an opportunity for a conversation with us about your child and their development.  Their will be other families and children present and we like those type of discussions to remain private.  If, after your visit, you would like to meet with us, please let us know and we can work out a time that suits!

 Meelup/Geographe Free Dress Day

Congratulations to all students in these factions… as they received the highest number of tokens for the first half of the term they get to wear free dress this Wednesday 25th August.

 OLC Athletics Carnival 

Our annual Sports Carnival is on this Thursday 26th August.  However, this is weather dependent, and Mr Lee will let us all know tomorrow if it will go ahead or be postponed to a later date (due to the weather forecast).

Your child can leave their laptop at home on Thursday.

Please make sure that your child is wearing their faction shirt for this day and come to school with sunscreen already on. They are also welcome to wear coloured zinc and hair spray and bring a teddy in their house colour, to help cheer of course!  

They are allowed to go home with you after the sports carnival.  The note for you to indicate this on will be sent home this week. Please return ASAP.  Please also check your child out with Adrian on the day, before you leave, so he can mark your child off our class list.


Pupil Free Day

Just a reminder that it is our Pupil Free Day this Friday, the 27th of August.  We hope you enjoy this O.L.C. long weekend with your children.


OLC'S Got Talent Auditions A note from Mrs Haines

Attention all Year 3-6 Superstars! OLC's Got Talent Auditions will be running TUESDAY WEEK 7 from 8.40am-1pm (once student's have performed they return to their classroom). Please practice your act and be ready to shine! Successful audition acts will perform in the annual OLC's Got Talent, Friday Week 8! Please bring all props/equipment/music/costumes needed.  Thank you! 


Personal Toys/Cards

A reminder that we are asking that students don't bring in any footy or Pokemon cards into school.  Unfortunately, Lucas had his set go missing last week. It was in a small rectangular box with a star on it.  We will keep our eyes on the lookout.



Due to our short week, this week’s Home Learning Grid is modified to only include teacher choices.  Please ensure that your child completes all three of their tasks and sign the bottom of the grid to indicate completion.


Star Citizen Award 

Congratulations to Lucas who receives our STAR CITIZEN merit award on Friday for his consistent display of our school's focus value of RESPECT. 

Last week we also welcomed Ava and her family to our class.  The 5H girls are most pleased to meet a new friend!  

 We hope to see you at our open night!

Kathy and Adrian



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