Week 10 Announcements

 Hi 5H families,

There are some important announcements and reminders for you in this week’s blog so please read on…


I have mixed emotions sharing with you that I will be taking Long Service Leave from OLC in Term 4. I have been blessed to have taught your children for 3 terms this year and have witnessed wonderful growth and development in all of them.  You should be so proud.  I will be very emotional on my last day with them, this Thursday.

I am pleased to share that Mrs Serena O'Brien will be teaching the class from Monday to Wednesday, alongside Mr Torrese on Thursday and Fridays.

Mrs O'Brien and I will be having an extensive handover this week to share my teaching and learning programmes for Term 4 and she will be following the already established routines and procedures for the class.  She has already taught the class on several relief days so knows all the children.  Rest assured we will discuss their various needs and learning goals at our meeting this week.  We are confident that it will be a smooth transition for our 5H class.

Thank you for all of your support throughout the year.  I have loved teaching your children and will look forward to seeing them in 2022 as leaders of the school.


Our Book Week celebration will be tomorrow, Wednesday, the 22nd of September.  Your child is asked to dress-up as a book character.  The theme for 2021 is “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds,” so their costume may like to reflect that (but doesn’t have to).  An assembly will be held at 9am to share the costumes with the rest of the school.  Parents are welcome.


Due to being the winners on our faction token leader board, Geographe are able to wear Free Dress this Thursday! 


This Friday, the 24th September, OLC is having a dress up day where your child is able to wear their favourite AFL (or other sporting team) coloured clothing for the day.  A gold coin donation is asked for the uniform free privilege with all funds raised going towards our Pastoral Care Fridge and St Vinnies.


Please ensure your child is wearing closed in shoes for the day and are comfortably dressed as they will be having a session with Jack Eades from the Believe Academy at 11:30am and the students need to be able to run and chase the soccer ball around!


We had a great day comparing and contrasting the Charlie and the Chocolate movies with the book. Hot Chocolate was drunk, and popcorn eaten! The day ended with our writing competition prizes being drawn.  Congratulations Cody, Chloe R. and Michael for taking home the Hot Chocolatte’ vouchers.


Congratulations to Esmerelda for being our 5H super star last week!


I can't wait to see all of the costumes tomorrow!



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