Week 6

WHEELS AFTER MEALS A reminder from Mr Lee that the wheels after meals roller blading/skate boarding and scooter-ing session for Year s will take place tomorrow (Monday the 24th of August) at lunch time. Those that took part last time had a tonne of fun! The children should put any equipment such as knee pads, helmets and scooters etc. behind Mr Lee's office in the morning. HOMEWORK WEEK 6 As our sports carnival is on Thursday and there is a Pupil Free Day on Friday, homework will be due on Thursday of this week. As this is a short week, the only set home learning on the grid is 3 spelling activities (1 each night chosen from the spelling menu). These will be checked on Thursday so please ensure your child completes a task each night, sign the grid and help them remember to bring their Homework book to class on Thursday morning! Next week they will have new choices for their spelling homework tasks. STAR CITIZEN A huge congratul...